Do the Bot support World of Warcraft Classic?
Yes! Classic era, Wotlk, Hardcore and SoD And all Private Servers too.
Does the Bot support World of Warcraft Dragonfliegt?
Yes! Make sure you disable the Option "WOWClassic"
I bought the Bot where can i download it
Just go to Download ( and download the Bot
I downloaded the Bot but can not start it
The Download is packed as a .rar. Just unpack it with "Winrar" or "7zip" or any other unpacking Program
Error Message Wrong Key
You Forgot to enter the "Auth-Code" in your Configer. You can finde the Auth-Code on the same Page where you downloaded the Bot (
Grakfik Options / General Things
- World of Warcraft needs to be in Windowmode!
- Make sure you don't use "Glowing Qeust Objects" in your Interface Options
- Zoom in your Character and make sure you see the bobber (if you look @ the bobber from above its even better)
- If you have problems change your Grafik Settings or go to a other place and try it there again
If the Bot don't find the bobber
-> Try to increase Color Sensitivity
If the Bot find something else
-> Try to decrease Color Sensitivity
If the Bot dont find the "Bite"
-> Try to increase Bite Sensitivity
If the Bot instant click on the bobber
-> Try to decrease Bite Sensitivity
When i try to start the Bot there is a Error Message
Download the Bot again. Make sure your Anti-Virus Progamm dont block or delete the Bot and start the Bot as Administrator
Bite Search Offset
Bite Search Offset is the range in which the bite is searched. If the range is too small, set the value to -100 and -100.
To reduce the range, the value can be set to 0.0.
If i try to make a picture the screenshot is at the right place
Make sure your display scaling from Windows is at 100%
Rightclick Desktop -> Display Settings -> Scale and layout -> 100%
How Save is the Bot
Without getting into the technical details the most of WoW bots read and write to the memory assigned by your computer for WoW. Blizzard has the ability to detect that Bots; which is why most bot creators are constantly struggling to update their code. They'll also have to update the memory offsets after each update - meaning your bot won't work until you receive and update.
Fishit is different. It uses the mouse and keyboard like a human would. It sees what you see and try to play as “human” as possible. Fishit is developed now over 6 years and we haven’t heard of a single ban